The West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP)
The stakeholders
- The four States Parties:
- The Republic of Benin
- The Republic of Ghana
- The Federal Republic of Nigeria
- The Republic of Togo
- WAPCo (shareholders: Chevron West African Gas Pipeline Ltd, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Shell Overseas Holdings Limited, Takoradi Power Company Limited, Société Togolaise de Gaz, and Société BenGaz S.A.)
- The Shippers
- N-Gas
- Gasol Plc
- Nigerian Gas Company Limited
- Ghana National Gas Company Limited
- Oando Gas & Power Limited
- The Buyers
- CEB (Bénin and Togo)
- VRA (Ghana)
Key milestones
1982: A Natural Gas Pipeline across West Africa as a key Regional Economic Goal proposed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
1995:The Heads of States of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo sign Agreement for the Development of the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) based on Private Investment and Commercial Principles.
2000: The four Nations sign Intergovernmental Agreement for Harmonized Fiscal and Regulatory Regime for the Development, Construction and Operation of the Pipeline.
January 2003: The Heads of States of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo signed the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Treaty, with ECOWAS Secretariat as Witness.
May 2003: Formation of the West African Gas Pipeline Company limited (WAPCo), a joint venture between public and private sector companies from Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo
May 2003: Signing on BOO basis of International Project Agreement (IPA) by WAPCo and the Governments of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo with ECOWAS Secretariat as Witness
October 2004: Ratification of WAGP Treaty by the 4 Project countries,
March-April 2005: final EIA Permits granted by Environmental Authorities in Benin, Ghana and Togo.
April 2005: Pipeline License to construct pipeline granted to WAPCo by the 4 States Parties
August 2005:Offshore construction of West Africa Gas Pipeline commences
December 2008: First “free flow” natural gas supply through WAGP arrives in Ghana
April 2009: Power generation with natural gas from WAGP by Volta River Authority (Ghana).
October 13, 2010: NEPAD Award for Excellence in Project Infrastructure and Transport on Energy is awarded to ECOWAS, the governments of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo and WAPCo. The Award Ceremony was held in Midrand, South Africa.
March 1, 2011: Commercial Operation Date
November 1, 2011: Start Date
July 1, 2012: Open Access Commencement Date
The WAGP Data
The West African Gas Pipeline Project consists of 678 km pipeline to transport natural gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo and Ghana.
Purpose : Transport natural gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo and Ghana for power plants and heat- using industries;
Length : 678 km of which 56 km of 30” pipeline from Itoki to Lagos beach; 569 km of 20” offshore pipeline from Lagos to Takoradi, Ghana; and delivery points in Cotonou, Lome, Tema & Takoradi
Depth of Pipe : From 30 meters up to 70 meters water depth and approx. 6 to 33 km offshore
Pipeline Capacity : Capacity 474 MMscf /day, i.e potential for 2,500-3,000 MW
Operating Pressure : 40-50 Barg under free flow & 140 -148 Barg when fully operational with full compression