Frequently asked questions
What is WAGPA?
The West African Gas Pipeline Authority (“WAGP Authority” or “WAGPA”) is an international institution established by the Treaty on the West African Gas Pipeline (“WAGP”) Project signed by the Heads of States of the Republic of Benin, the Republic of Ghana, the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Togo (State Parties). WAGPA has a legal personality and a financial autonomy. WAGPA has representation functions (to take actions and decisions in the name and on behalf of the State Parties), facilitation functions and regulatory functions.
What does WAGPA do?
The functions of the West African Gas Pipeline Authority (WAGPA) are of three kinds:
- representation functions (to take actions and decisions in the name and on behalf of the State Parties);
- facilitation functions;
- regulatory functions
What is the management structure of WAGPA?
WAGPA has a Director General who is the Chief Executive Officer. The Director General is a national of a State Party and is appointed for a term of five (5) years, renewable, by the Committee of Ministers upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors from candidates that are qualified for the position.
The Board of Governors is composed of four (4) members appointed for a term of four (4) years. Each member is appointed by the Head of State of the relevant State Party.
The Committee of Ministers is composed of the Relevant Minister of each State Party. ECOWAS is invited to attend all meetings of the Committee of Ministers as an observer.
What is the relationship between WAGPA and WAPCo?
The West African Gas Pipeline Authority is the regulatory body for the WAGP.
How can gas transaction be done through the WAGP?
To sell gas through the WAGP, one has to sign Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement (s) with Buyer (s) and Gas Transportation Agreement(s) with WAPCo.
To buy gas through the WAGP, one has to sign Gas Sales and Purchase Agreement with a Seller.
How is WAGPA funded?
The State Parties are responsible for providing or procuring funding for WAGPA. The funding comes primarily from the WAGPA Charge paid by the buyers of natural gas through the WAGP.
The State Parties are to ensure at all times, and particularly in the event of any shortfall of funds paid to WAGPA, that the costs in excess are funded from the State Parties’ budget so as to allow WAGPA to continue to perform properly its functions.