November 2014: Determination of Tariff Parameters for 2015-2018 (TP2)
In accordance with the Approved Tariff Methodology in the International Project Agreement (IPA), WAGPA issued a Consultation Document in June 2014 after WAPCo submitted their proposal for Tariff Period.
Then followed the related process of engagement of the Stakeholders in the West African Gas Pipeline value chain for their comments on the tariff determination Parameters included in the Consultation Document.
The process was concluded by the publication by WAGPA of the Determination Notice which contains the conclusions on the Tariff Parameters.
Mai 2014: West African Gas Pipeline Safety Workshop
Organized in Accra on 7 and 8 May 2014 by WAGPA, WAPCo and ECOWAS Commission, the workshop offered an opportunity for the stakeholders to consider the status of the implementation of the Damage Prevention Program and discuss ways to improve strategies for ensuring a better protection of the pipeline offshore.
More than 60 people participated at the workshop which, besides the organizers, was attended by high level participants from World Bank, Ministries of Energy/Petroleum Resources, Navies, Port Authorities, and Maritime Authorities from the State Parties.
The Minister of Defense of Ghana was the special guest at the opening ceremony.
For a better protection of the pipeline, the workshop has made recommendations regarding Maximizing Preventive Measures, Cross Border Cooperation, and Managing Threats and Law Enforcement. A committee has been set up for the follow up of the recommendations.
July 12, 2013: Resumption of gas deliveries
Following the damage to the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) on August 28, 2012 offshore Lome (Togo), the pipeline was shut down by West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited (WAPCo) and gas deliveries to Benin, Ghana and Togo were immediately suspended
On October 15, 2012 WAPCo completed the repairs to the pipeline and commenced commissioning. During the dewatering process, a multiple fatality occurred on October 30, 2012 at the Takoradi (Ghana) R&M station, leading to suspension of the commissioning. Following the necessary investigation and consideration of the mitigation measures, WAPCo outsourced to specialized service companies the rest of the commissioning works which were completed and gas deliveries have resumed on July 12, 2013
The WAGP Authority regrets the consequences of the damage to the pipeline to the economy of the respective State Parties resulting from the suspension of gas deliveries, particularly the inconveniences to the gas customers, the electricity distribution companies and the peoples in the buyer countries
The WAGP Authority seizes this occasion to thank, for their understanding, all those who have been affected, in one way or the other, by this unfortunate situation.
To prevent the recurrence of such situation in the future, the WAGP Authority reiterates its determination for the protection of the Pipeline offshore by working closely with WAPCo, the Naval Forces and other relevant agencies in the States.
While seeking the cooperation of all, the WAGP Authority is inviting all stakeholders to use their best endeavours to ensure the safety and security of the WAGP System.
July 1, 2012: Open Access Commencement Date
The West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Authority hereby notifies the public that the Open Access to the WAGP system is effective from July 1, 2012 as per Clause 3.4 of the Term Sheet executed on October 18, 2011 by the Parties to the International Project Agreement.
Consequently, all interested shippers will, from that date, be eligible to sell their natural gas via the WAGP system after going through the laid down procedures as set out in the Access Code.
Click here to download the Notification of Open Access commencement date.
March 21 and 22, 2012: Consultation forum on West Africa Gas, Accra, Ghana
November 1, 2011: Commencement date
March 1, 2011: Date of Commercial Operation
October 13, 2010
NEPAD Award for Excellence in Project Infrastructure and Transport on Energy is awarded to ECOWAS, the governments of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo and WAPCo. The Award Ceremony was held in Midrand, South Africa.